Uebler Law to Address Defamation Issues in Sexual Harassment Situations at 2024 Employment Law Institute
Mar 21, 2024
Malvern, PA – Julie A. Uebler and Joyce L. Collier, partners at Uebler Law LLC, will participate in a discussion on defamation claims in sexual harassment situations at the 2024 Employment Law Institute, scheduled for April 15-16, 2024 at The CLE Conference Center in The Wanamaker Building in Philadelphia.
Uebler and Collier will take part in a moderated panel entitled The Weaponization of Defamation Claims in Sexual Harassment Situations on Monday, April 15, from 2:25 PM to 3:25 PM. Moderated by Liz M. Chacko of the National Women’s Law Center, Uebler will lead the discussion on defamation claims against harassment complainants, while Collier will delve into the intricacies of retaliation claims against accused harassers who pursue defamation suits against their accusers. Michael J. Fortunato, Chairman and CEO of Rubin, Fortunato & Harbison, will address claims for defamation against employers/investigators.
The session aims to shed light on recent legal developments concerning defamation claims brought by accused harassers against workers with sexual harassment complaints. It will explore the potential for retaliation against those who counter with defamation suits, as well as strategies to mitigate legal risks for all involved parties.
Uebler, founder and managing partner of Uebler Law, brings decades of dedicated experience in safeguarding employee rights in the workplace, and Collier is an experienced advocate who has gained a unique perspective representing both employees and employers for over 30 years.
The conference will be held in person and online, with CLE credits available. There are discounts for those who attend both days of the conference, as well as for newly admitted attorneys. For registration or more information, visit www.pbi.org.
Uebler Law provides advice and negotiation services to individuals in Pennsylvania and New Jersey seeking to protect their rights or maximize their employment opportunities in the workplace. When needed, the firm levels the playing field through litigation of claims to pursue justice for individuals and hold employers accountable for violating workers’ rights. For more information, visit ueblerlaw.com. Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.